
Adventitious roots were produced directly from root segments ofPanax ginseng seedlings when cultured on an MS solid medium containing 3.0 mg L-1 IBA. Omitting NH4NO3 from this medium greatly enhanced both the frequency of adventitious root formation and the number of roots per expiants. This frequency declined markedly with the age of the root, but could be increased through repeated sub-culturing events. A two-step procedure that included NH4NO3 free media for the first two weeks of culture, followed by transfer onto media containing NH4NO3 for another four weeks, greatly improved total fresh weights of these adventitious roots compared with a method of continuous culture over six weeks in media that always contained NH4NO3. Expression of the genes involved in triterpene biosynthesis was analyzed by RT-PCR. Ginsenoside contents were enhanced by the omission of NH4NO3 and were also greatly increased by treatment with methyl jasmonate.

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