
Abstract High-voltage infrastructure upgrade is expending due to the growth in populations. To save on easement cost and to reduce the environmental impact of these projects, HV transmission lines occupy the same easement as pipelines in many cases. This joint easement introduces the AC interference between transmission lines and pipelines. The induced voltage can reach a limit which will jeopardize the human safety. The cited research studies the induced voltage under the presence of the overhead earth wire (OHEW) using the shielding factor. The work in this paper studies the induced voltage using the OHEW section current along with the superposition theorem. The simulations are compared to the existing research methods. The case study along with the theoretical study discusses the advance accuracy of the proposed method over the existing shield factor used in the presence research. Furthermore, they introduce the effective length along with the effective shielding factor, which aids in computing the additional effect that the OHEW has on the induced voltage.

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