
Recent epidemiological and experimental findings reconfirm that low indoor air humidity (dry air) increases the prevalence of acute eye and airway symptoms in offices, result in lower mucociliary clearance in the airways, less efficient immune defense, and deteriorate the work productivity. New epidemiological and experimental research also support that the environmental conditions for the risk of infection of influenza and COVID-19 virus is lowest in the Goldilocks zone of 40–60% relative humidity (RH) by decrease of the airways’ susceptibility, which can be elevated by particle exposure. Furthermore, low RH increases the generation of infectious virus laden aerosols exhaled from infected people. In general, elevation of the indoor air humidity from dry air increases the health of the airways concomitantly with lower viability of infectious virus. Thus, the negative effects of ventilation with dry outdoor air (low absolute air humidity) should be assessed according to 1) weakened health and functionality of the airways, 2) increased viability and possible increased transmissibility of infectious virus, and 3) evaporation of virus containing droplets to dry out to droplet nuclei (also possible at high room temperature), which increases their floating time in the indoor air. The removal of acid-containing ambient aerosols from the indoor air by filtration increases pH, viability of infectious viruses, and the risk of infection, which synergistically may further increase by particle exposure. Thus, the dilution of indoor air pollutants and virus aerosols by dry outdoor air ventilation should be assessed and compared with the beneficial health effects by control of the center zone of 40–60% RH, an essential factor for optimal functionality of the airways, and with the additional positive impact on acute symptoms, work productivity, and reduced risk of infection.

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