
Ever since the Indian Ocean tsunami in December 2004, not just the global community learns something regarding better disaster management, but moreover the people and government of Indonesia are awaken of the needs to be resilient in the challenge of natural disasters. The new law of Disaster Management in Indonesia, Law 24/2007, has stated clearly that partnership as one of the main principles in doing disaster management. This means that the three pillars of Indonesia’s disaster management actors; Government, Civil Society and Private Sectors; have to create a mechanism of collaborating in this matter. Responding to the same challenge of disaster threats, the World Economic Forum, initiated the Disaster Resource Partnership as a means of privates sectors to be involved in humanitarian works, mainly but not exclusively, among the Construction and engineering company. After the initiation in two countries, India and Mexico, the President of Indonesia himself, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyon, invited the Forum to start this public private partnership model in 2011. As the process developed, the partnership network was launched in 2011, activated in 2012, and has been a model of multi-stakeholder partnership in disaster management in Indonesia, where it is not just public and private, but also people partnership. And since Indonesia realized as stated in the Law, that disaster management spirit is risk reduction, then the partnership has also been involved in the disaster risk reduction effort with other actors. The partnership provides a model of tri-sector collaboration where close coordination and sharing resources are needed to build resilient in a country like Indonesia which is in the stage of moving from a supermarket of disasters” to a “laboratory of disasters”.

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