
The application of high temperature steam jacket system in the industrial fish liver processing makes the product is of poor quality. The quality data of Rays liver oil processed by simple jacket steam with temperature above 80°C are currently not available. This research aimed to determine temperature of simple steam jacket processing method to the quality of White Spotted Whipray Rays liver oil. The differences of processing temperatures affected significantly the value of free fatty acid, peroxide, and yield; but did not affected significantly on the water content and the organoleptic value specification products except on turbidity. The most optimum processing temperature of Rays liver oil was at 60 °C for 20 minutes with the content of free fatty acids 0.68%, the peroxide 0,57 meq/kg, and the moisture of the oil 0%. The product had yield 37.88%, the sensory value 7.97 ≤ μ ≤ 8.35 and omega-3: 23.44%, as well as omega-6: 10.19%. Keywords: Fish liver oil, simple steam jacket, temperature


  • Minyak ikan adalah salah satu zat gizi yang mengandung asam lemak kaya manfaat karena mengandung sekitar 25% asam lemak jenuh dan 75% asam lemak tak jenuh

  • The application of high temperature steam jacket system in the industrial fish liver processing makes the product is of poor quality

  • The quality data of Rays liver oil processed by simple jacket steam with temperature above 80°C are currently not available

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Bahan dan Alat

Bahan yang digunakan adalah hati ikan pari mondol (Himantura gerrardi) segar yang diperoleh dari limbah pengolahan ikan asap di daerah Bandarharjo Semarang, Jawa Tengah. Berat ikan berkisar antara 2 – 3 kg. Berat hati sekitar 70 g per ekor. Hati ikan pari ditempatkan dalam box styerofoam yang diberi serpihan es dengan perbandingan 2:1 untuk menjaga kualitas hati ikan pari. Alat yang diperlukan pada penelitian ini adalah steam jacket sederhana yang digunakan yaitu panci pengukus (panci luar) terbuat dari alumunium berukuran tinggi 25 cm dengan diameter 30 cm, panci untuk wadah hati dan minyak ikan yang dihasilkan (panci dalam) terbuat dari stainless steel berukuran tinggi 10 cm dengan diameter 15 cm pada bagian tengah masingmasing penutup panci sudah diberi lubang sebesar diameter termometer pengukur suhu yang harus tercapai sesuai masing-masing perlakuan, Centrifuge (Gemmy PLC-03) dan GCMS-QP2010S (SHIMADZU)

Asam Lemak Bebas
Bilangan Peroksida
Kadar Air
Nilai organoleptik
Profil Asam Lemak Minyak Hati Ikan Pari
Oleat Lignocerit
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