
Patients with common variable immunodeficiency disorder (CVID) are subject to lymphoproliferative disorders and predisposed to lymphoma. Some patients may also develop liver lesions. The purpose of this study was to define clinical and histopathological features of patients with CVID presenting with liver lesions suspicious of lymphoma. Four CVID cases corresponding to these criteria were retrieved from our files. Liver biopsy specimens were subjected to morphologic, immunophenotypic and molecular analysis. All patients presented with hepatosplenomegaly and two furthermore with lymphadenopathy. The clinical working diagnosis in the four cases was lymphoma. All liver biopsies revealed nodular regenerative hyperplasia (NRH), associated with mild to marked sinusoid lymphocytic infiltrate consisting of "activated" cytotoxic T cells (CD8+, Tia1+, granzyme B+, TCRβF1+, CD56-). EBER was negative in all cases. T cell clonality was found in one of the two interpretable cases. All patients had an indolent course and clinical symptoms regressed with immunoglobulin replacement. This study suggests that indolent proliferation in the liver sinusoid of cytotoxic T cell associated with NRH is a specific liver lesion in the context of CVID. In CVID patients clinically suspected of lymphoma, pathologists should avoid a misdiagnosis of aggressive T cell lymphoma with a risk of over treatment.

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