
Indoglish is a phenomenon in the world of languages that uses a combination of indonesian and english. The purpose of this study is to describe the indoglish phenomenon as the power of media and bussiness language in the digitalization era. The form of this research is qualitative descriptive. Data sources of this research are various oral and written expressions of taken authentically from social media on facebook, youtube and instagram as a whole. The method of analysis is done by collecting data and classifying it well. Then the data is interpreted, and the data that have been interpreted results are presented informally. The analysis technique is done through data reduction by summarizing, searching data reduction by summarizing, searching for themes and patterns in indoglish data. Presentation of the data is to present data as indoglish information that is as the last stage by looking for the relationship of cause and effects, similarities or differences, the composition of the description of the result of observations. The results showed (a) the existence of indoglish languages which werw analyzed in seven comercial advertisements namely food, beverage, cosmetics, services, accessories, cleaning, and vehicle advertisement; (b) forming elements of indoglish language in the business world, namely by the existence of prestige, globalization systems, economics and politics.

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