
AbstractLike most otariids species, the Subantarctic fur seal breeds on land in large, dense colonies. Pups are confronted by the long and repetitive absences of their mother throughout lactation. At each mother's return, pups have to find her among several hundreds of congeners. This recognition process mainly relies on acoustic signals. We performed an acoustic analysis on 125 calls from 20 females recorded during the 1999–2000 breeding season on Amsterdam Island (Indian Ocean). Ten variables were measured in both temporal and frequency domains. To find the acoustic parameters supporting individual signature, we assessed the differences between individuals using Kruskall‐Wallis univariate analysis of variance. For each variable, we also calculated the potential of individuality coding (PIC) as the ratio between the between‐individual coefficient of variation and the mean value of the within‐individual coefficients of variation. We found that the frequency spectrum, the characteristics of the frequency modulation of the initial and middle part of the call and the call duration exhibit an important individual stereotypy (PIC values ranging between 1.5 and 3), whereas features relative to amplitude and the frequency modulation of the final part of the call are weakly individualized (PIC values between 1 and 1.2).

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