
Avian self-fashioning and self-doubt in The Owl and the Nightingale, Alexandra Barratt the governance of the English tongue - the Cursor Mundi and its French tradition, John J. Thompson the charms of simplicity - popular strains in the early Middle English love lyric, Karl Reichl the timelessness of The Simonie, Derek Pearsall English quaint and strange in Ne mai ne lewed lued, Thorlac Turville-Petre Middle English metaphysical verse? - imagery and style in some 14th-century religious poems, O.S. Pickering Titus goes hunting and hawking - the poetics of recreation and revenge in The Siege of Jerusalem, David Lawton redundancy in alliterative verse - St Erkenwald, John Burrow Loke on this wrytyng, man, for thi devocion - focal texts in some later Middle English religious lyrics, Julia Boffey the dramatic function of rhyme and stanza patterns in The Castle of Perseverance, Avril Henry masters and servants in the plays of the Wakefield Master, Myra Stokes performance, verse and occasion in the N-Town Mary Play, Peter Meredith.

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