
Introduction. The pandemic situation, the rapid transition to distance learning forms - all this was a serious test for participants in the educational environment. Panic, fear for health and life, as well as fear of social threat, when the previous structures of interaction with the outside world began to be violated accompanied people. This situation can be described as difficult, extreme, taking beyond the normal human experience that affected the whole world, humanity. It can also be defined as a situation related to social entropy (uncertainty), since it is characterized by novelty, contradiction and complexity. We are currently experiencing uncertainty in all spheres of life. External life circumstances, new challenges in terms of self-isolation, distance - destroyed the usual picture of the human world. A person is also forced to overcome "personal" uncertainty, while experiencing a dissonant state in the cognitive, emotional, motivational - value spheres. The uncertainty of the situation is also related to unpredictability, to the inability to predict development, as well as to uncontrollability, that is, the ability to manage the development of events. It should be noted that in the educational environment there is the same uncertainty, difficulties and fears that are currently experienced not only by the adult population, i.e. parents of students and teachers, but also by students. In our view, overcoming the difficult and uncertain situation of pandemic and conscious adoption of distance learning forms will be related to the peculiarity of the development of personal qualities of the younger generation, among which resistance will be most relevant to the possibilities of positive overcoming.Materials and Methods. The article should be an analytical review, where an attempt was made to systematize scientific psychological and pedagogical knowledge on the problem of difficulties and restrictions in various structural components of the educational environment and find resources to overcome the uncertain, difficult situation associated with the consequences of the pandemic and the introduction of distance learning. The main method of studying this problem is the theoretical analysis of information in the works of domestic and foreign authors, which presents theoretical and empirical studies on the introduction, opportunities and risks of distance learning forms, as well as attitudes to it.Results. Problems related to introduction of remote forms of education in structural components of educational environment are considered and analyzed; there are presented models of distance learning, allowing to ensure appropriate quality of trainees training. The results of a survey of students of various faculties of Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky regarding difficulties and attitude to distance learning format during the period of self-isolation are given.Discussion and Conclusions. The conclusion is based on the need for further theoretical analysis and synthesis of available scientific research on the implementation, opportunities and risks of remote forms of training. Based on the results of a few psychological studies of domestic and foreign authors, it is proved necessary to further study the problem of the influence of remote forms of education on the personality of students, as well as the finding of factors, resources, mechanisms that contribute to the informed adoption and choice of adequate forms and strategies of behavior by participants in the educational process. The importance of finding the personal and environmental resources of a person when emerging from difficult, uncertain situations related to the digitalization of training is justified.


  • The pandemic situation, the rapid transition to distance learning forms - all this was a serious test for participants in the educational environment

  • В отношении недостатков дистанционного обучения студенты отмечали большой объем домашней работы (76,1%); значительное увеличение времени проведения за компьютером (70,7%); стали испытывать повышенную утомляемость (69,3%); нехватка живого общения (57,7%); отметили снижение уровня производительности (57%); указали на сложности во взаимодействии с преподавателями (48,9%); отметили трудности в распределении времени (38,1%); лекции в онлайн-формате посчитали неудобными (36,4%)

  • Субъективные риски дистанционного образования // Образование в современном мире: сборник научных статей / под ред

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Вынужденный переход на дистанционные формы обучения в «первую волну» выявил ряд трудностей и ограничений во всех структурных компонентах образовательной среды и показал неготовность его внедрения как в организационном, так и в психологическом плане. Преодоление трудностей и осознанное принятие дистанционных форм обучения связано с развитием личностных качеств, среди которых сопротивляемость будет наиболее релевантна возможностям позитивного преодоления. Статья носит характер аналитического обзора, где осуществлена попытка систематизации научного психолого-педагогического знания по проблеме трудностей и ограничений в различных структурных компонентах образовательной среды и нахождения ресурсов преодоления неопределенной, трудной ситуации, связанной с последствиями пандемии и внедрением дистанционных форм обучения. Основным методом изучения данной проблемы является теоретический анализ информации в трудах отечественных и зарубежных авторов, где представлены теоретические и эмпирические исследования, посвященные внедрению, возможностям и рискам дистанционных форм обучения

Pedagogical psychology
Обзор литературы
Материалы и методы
Результаты исследования
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