
Nuclear installations may contain a large inventory of radioactive material and an emergency caused by an accident, natural disaster, or malevolent act may cause uncontrolled releases of radionuclides to the environment. The paper presents a brief overview of individual radiological monitoring in case of major releases of radionuclides to the environment and introduces the new Report 92 of the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU) on Radiation Monitoring for Protection of the Public after Major Releases of Radionuclides to the Environment. The Report was prepared taking into account the results of the research «Development of the program for radiation and hygienic monitoring for the radiological protection of human under radiation accidents and acts of nuclear terrorism» which was carried out in the internal dosimetry laboratory of the NRCRM of NAMS of Ukraine in 2016-2018. The Report Committee was headed by the scientific supervisor of the research, the Committee consisted of leading experts from UK, Italy, China, Germany, Russia, Slovenia, United States, Ukraine, Japan, and experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency. The preparation of the Report was supported by the US Environmental Protection Agency, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, US Department of Energy, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, and Radiation Protection Institute of the ATS of Ukraine.

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