
The "HIV risk environment" has been characterized as a dynamic interplay between structural and network factors. However, most HIV prevention research has not examined the independent and combined impact of network and structural factors. We aimed to identify individual, network, and neighborhood correlates of exchange sex (≥1 exchange sex partner, past 90 days) among female non-injection drug users (NIDUs). We used baseline data from 417 NIDUs enrolled in a randomized HIV prevention trial in Baltimore (2005-2007). Surveys ascertained demographic variables, drug/sex risk behaviors, neighborhood perceptions, and social/sexual network characteristics. Correlates of exchange sex were identified with descriptive statistics and log-binomial regression. Our findings suggest that sex and drug relationships among female NIDUs are interlinked and may be difficult to modify without altering social norms. Strengthening ties that provide social support but not drug support and reducing ties that provide both drug and social support may facilitate reductions in individual-level HIV-risk behaviors.

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