
This chapter presents multiple methods for recognizing individuals from their “style of action/actions,” that is, “biometric behavioural characteristics.” Two forms of human recognition can be useful: the determination that an object is from the class of humans (which is called human detection), and the determination that an object is a particular individual from this class (which is called individual recognition). This chapter focuses on the latter problem. For individual recognition, this chapter considers two different categories. First, individual recognition using “style of single action,” that is, hand waving and partial gait, and second, individual recognition using “style of doing similar actions” in video sequences. The “style of single action” and “style of doing similar actions,” that is, behavioural biometric characteristics, are proposed as a cue to discriminate between two individuals. Nowadays, multibiometric security systems are available to recognise individuals from video sequences. Those multibiometric systems are combined with finger print, face, voice, and iris biometrics. This chapter reports multiple novel behavioural biometric techniques for individual recognition based on “style of single action” and “style of multiple actions” (i.e., analysing the pattern history of behavioural biometric motion), which can be additionally combined with finger print, face, voice, and iris biometrics as a complementary cue to intelligent security systems.

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