
The purpose of the study to reveal the fighting style of qualified MMA fighters based on the individual factor structure of psychophysiological and biomechanical indicators.
 Material and methods. 42 qualified combat sambo athletes (age 20-25) took part in the study. The biomechanical analysis of the speed of movement of various points and the value of the angles in the joints during a direct impact was used as a research method. Biomechanical analysis of the technique of a direct blow in combat sambo athletes was carried out using the "Kinovea" program, version 0.8.15. A psychophysiological method of determining the time of a simple and complex reaction was used in standard conditions and in different testing modes. Using the computer program "Psychodiagnostics".
 Results. In the structure of the complex training of qualified MMA fighters, 2 main factors are highlighted. The first factor (55.063% of the total total variance) according to the indicators included in it was named "Speed". The second factor (44.937% of the total total variance) according to the indicators included in it, was named "Speed ​​Endurance". The fighting styles of qualified MMA fighters were identified based on the analysis of the general and individual factor structure of biomechanical and psychophysiological indicators. It is shown that the individual factor structure, which is characterized by the expressiveness of the "Speed ​​and coordination endurance" factor by more than 80%, and the expressiveness of the "Speed" factor by less than 30%, is characteristic of tempo style fighters.
 Conclusions. We found 3 groups of athletes, which are characterized by the following manifestations of psychophysiological functions in combination with biomechanical indicators: group 1 - endurance for high-speed and coordination actions; group 2 – speed at short time intervals; group 3 - power (a combination of speed and strength) with a predominance of strength. Determining fighting styles in modern MMA is one of the main steps to improving an athlete and winning.

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