
Introduction. V. Slaughter, B. Repacholi, Individual Differences in Theory of Mind: What Are We Investigating? J.W. Astington, Sometimes Necessary, Never Sufficient: False-belief Understanding and Social Competence. D. McIlwain, Bypassing Empathy: A Machiavellian Theory of Mind and Sneaky Power. B. Repacholi, V. Slaughter, M. Pritchard, V. Gibbs, Theory of Mind, Machiavellianism, and Social Functioning in Childhood. J. Sutton, Tom Goes to School: Social Cognition and Social Values in Bullying. T. Keenan, Individual Differences in Theory of Mind: The Preschool Years and Beyond. R.J.R. Blair, Did Cain Fail to Represent the Thoughts of Abel before He Killed Him? The Relationship between Theory of Mind and Aggression. C.C. Peterson, The Social Face of Theory of Mind: The Development of Concepts of Emotion, Desire, Visual Perspective and False Belief in Deaf and Hearing Children. H. Tager-Flusberg, Exploring the Relationships between Theory of Mind and Social-Communicative Functioning in Children with Autism. C. Dissanayake, K. Macintosh, Mind Reading and Social Functioning in Children with Autistic Disorder and Asperger's Disorder. R. Langdon, Poor Mindreading and Delusions: Psychotic Solipsism versus Autistic Asociality. P. Gerrans, V. McGeer, Theory of Mind in Autism and Schizophrenia. Synthesis. M. Davies, T. Stone, Psychological Understanding and Social Skills.

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