
This study examined ratings of applied' music teaching feedback x; function of the personality variables of extraversion-ilntioversion (EII) ald judgment-perception (JP) as measured by the Myers-Briggs TIsvpe lndicaltat (MBTI). Subjects (N= 63) responded to an audio tape comprised oa sho-ti teaching episodes in which student performance was followed bv teachlct approval or disapproval behaviour. Approval behaviours emphasised onc ()t the following: (a) academic information; (b) student improvement. (c) noi-imi referenced feedback; (d) person praise; (e) personal approval by thu teacher; and (f) approval as control. Subjects rated these behaviours h means of 7-point semantic differential scales. Rcsults of ANOVA prta cedures indicated a significant El main effect for ratings of appro vil- improvement, person praise, approval-information, and disapprovals. with a range of 11.5 per cent to 14 5 per cent of the variance accounted tir. Introverted subjects rated these behaviours significantly higher than extra- verted subjects. While the main effect of JP was non-significatnt fto ill ratings of teacher behaviour, significant EIxJP interactions were found taot the variables of approval-control and approval-person praise, with 1406 pc cent and 13 7 per cent of the variance explained. respectively.

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