
Positioning operations of multiple points on an extensible deformable object will be discussed. In many operations that deal with extensible deformable objects such as rubber parts and textile fabrics, multiple points on the object should be guided to their desired locations. In addition, we cannot operate the guided points directly because of collision among positioning devices and other devices. Thus, the operation should be performed by controlling other points on the object. This operation is referred to as indirect simultaneous positioning of multiple points on an extensible deformable object. In this article, control problems for indirect simultaneous positioning are treated.In order to perform indirect simultaneous positioning by a mechanical system, an object model is indispensable. However, it is difficult to build an exact model of a deformable object due to strong nonlinearity including friction, hysteresis, and parameter variation. To overcome this problem, I will propose a robust control strategy based on a coarse model of deformable objects. I will build a coarse model of an object for its positioning and will develop a control method robust to the discrepancy between the object and its model.First, a coarse model of extensible deformable objects is developed for their positioning. Second, indirect positioning is formulated. Then, the condition that a given positioning can be realized is derived. A novel control method for the indirect positioning with a visual sensor is proposed. Experimental results and theoretical analysis will show the robustness of the proposed method against the discrepancy between an object and its coarse model.KeywordsMesh PointPosition PointOperation PointCoarse ModelDeformable ObjectThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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