
The objective of this study was to predict genomic breeding values for milk yield of crossbred dairy cattle under different scenarios using single-step genomic BLUP (ssGBLUP). The data set included 13,880,217 milk yield measurements on 6,830,415 cows. Genotypes of 89,558 Holstein, 40,769 Jersey, and 22,373 Holstein-Jersey crossbred animals were used, of which all Holstein, 9,313 Jersey, and 1,667 crossbred animals had phenotypic records. Genotypes were imputed to 45K SNP markers. The SNP effects were estimated from single-breed evaluations for Jersey (JE), Holstein (HO) and crossbreds (CROSS), and multibreed evaluations including all Jersey and Holstein (JE_HO) or approximately equal proportions of Jersey, Holstein, and crossbred animals (MIX). Indirect predictions (IP) of the validation animals (358 crossbred animals with phenotypes excluded from evaluations) were calculated using the resulting SNP effects. Additionally, breed proportions (BP) of crossbred animals were applied as a weight when IP were estimated based on each pure breed. The predictive ability of IP was calculated as the Pearson correlation between IP and phenotypes of the validation animals adjusted for fixed effects in the model. Regression of adjusted phenotypes on IP was used to assess the inflation of IP. The predictive ability of IP for CROSS, JE, HO, JE_HO, and MIX scenario was 0.50, 0.50, 0.47, 0.50, and 0.46, respectively. Using BP was the least successful, with a predictive ability of 0.32. The inflation of the IP for crossbred animals using CROSS, JE, HO, JE_HO, MIX, and BP scenarios were 1.17, 0.65, 0.55, 0.78, 1.00, and 0.85, respectively. The IP of crossbred animals can be predicted using single-step GBLUP under a scenario that includes purebred genotypes.

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