
1. The introduction of livestock in natural areas is a common disturbance that affects both plant and pollinator diversity and might affect their interaction. Understanding whether livestock affect a food resource for pollinators (i.e. flower abundance) and/or a pollinator assemblage (i.e. abundance and richness) has important implications for plant–pollinator interactions and still needs deeper investigation.2. This study investigated how pollinator communities and flower abundance determined floral visitation frequency along a grazing gradient, using seven large paddocks in Patagonian Monte Desert that varied in livestock densities. Pollinator visitation frequency was measured in five of the most abundant native plant species of the region, present in all the paddocks, but that differed in reproductive strategy ranging from insect‐pollinated self‐compatible and self‐incompatible to wind‐pollinated. The influence of livestock density, insect, and flower abundance on visitation frequency was evaluated using D‐separation hierarchical path models.3. Intermediate stocking densities showed the highest insect richness and abundance. Livestock density showed a negative quadratic relationship with insect richness; hymenopterans being the main insect group in the region. Flower density decreased with the increase in livestock density. The five plant species shared several pollinator species although each one supported a distinct assemblage.4. The path model showed that livestock was not directly associated with pollinator visitation frequency; however, this apparent lack of association was as a result of opposite forces acting together. An increase in livestock density reduced visitation frequency through a decrease in insect abundance, yet, livestock simultaneously increased the pollinator visitation rate through decreased flower abundance.5. This study describes how changes in the density of exotic mammals can affect pollinator and flower abundance, resulting in contrasting effects on flower visitation rates with, apparently, neutral net consequences. This illustrates the complexity of responses to plant–pollinator interactions to anthropogenic disturbances that alter the ecological context.

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