
Ponte Academic JournalFeb 2019, Volume 75, Issue 2 Indigenous people social function and building character education (Study in Kampar Indigenous people to sacred grove in Kenagarian Rumbio, Riau Province)Author(s): Dr. Ahmal ,Nana Supriatna, Kokom Komalasari, Erlina WiyanartiJ. Ponte - Feb 2019 - Volume 75 - Issue 2 doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2019.2.4 Abstract:This paper explains the function and social in the character education building from environmental awareness value perspective in Kampar indigenous people for the sacred grove or hutan larangan in Kenagarian Rumbio, Riau Province. Data collection applied qualitative research method in form of observation, interview, and documentation. The observation research scopes are village condition, sociocultural and economic activity of the people, village elder or ninik mamak, public figure, the trader, the local society with in-depth interview, and include snowball sampling to maximize the data collection activity. The documentation activities are a report from village administration, traders report, or literature works from the expert. Data analysis applied Miles & Huberman analysis method, such as data reduction, data display, verification/conclusion and triangulation data validation, member checking, and expert opinion. There are three social functions or folklore practiced in the building of character education through informal education in indigenous people, petatah petitih or proverbs and sayings channel, pantun expression, and wise advice from ninik mamak or adat chief. Social capital existence from ninik mamak in development of character education through role model from ninik mamak as social behavior, an awareness in the indigenous people social life, and religious life of Kampar indigenous people based on true value. \\r\\nKeywords: Education, Character, Sacred Grove, Indigenous People and Kampar Download full text:Check if you have access through your login credentials or your institution Username Password

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