
Preservation of culture in the life of modern society today is something that deserves the attention of all parties, especially the local culture that contains the noble values of the Indonesian nation. The effect of globalization if it is not balanced with the readiness of the people is feared it will create a borderless world. The limited readiness of the community in the regions to face the era of globalization makes the lack of preventive measures that can be taken to prevent borderless world shocks. One effort to deal with the negative impact of globalization is to use indigenous knowledge values as a force. This study aims to explore and identify indigenous knowledge values of bahuma that’s owned by the Banjar Tribe farmers as an effort to preserve culture to face the negative effects of globalization. This research uses a qualitative method with ethnographic approach. The subjects in this study were the Banjar tribe farmers. Data analysis was performed using the Miles & Huberman interactive analysis model. The results showed the values of local wisdom bahuma Banjar Tribe include: religious, kerja keras (hard work), patang menyerah (never giving up), tanggung jawab (responsibility), peduli terhadap lingkungan (caring for the environment), gotong royong (mutual cooperation), tidak menyakiti (not hurting), kebersamaan (togetherness), berbagi (sharing), sabar (patience), ikhlas (sincerity), kekeluargaan (kinship), and adaptation value.

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