
Sound Detection and Ranging (SODAR) has moved to the forefront of consumer technology due to the pressing need toengage the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) in environmental protection. An active ground-based remote sensingsystem (SODAR) is used to determine the lower-atmosphere wind profile and temperature structure. SODAR can detectturbulence parameters in the ABL from a distance and can be used for wind profiling. SODAR, with its significantlyenhanced capability, is expected to be a futuristic remote sensing device with several uses in the near future. Including anemphasis on its applications and current developments, this article examines SODAR's early history, with a review of Indianstudies. The article examines past breakthroughs in SODAR as well as its advancement and applications, with an emphasison India due to the worldwide nature of SODAR research. Additionally, the article discusses how effective SODAR is inprotecting the environment and how important it is going forward. After summarising the applications, various opportunitiesand barriers incurred in SODAR use, a proposed review article to provide insights into previously understudied, unstudied,and studied research work accomplished on SODAR in India is constructed. The article accentuates the role of SODAR asan environmental safeguarding tool.

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