
We study utility indifference pricing of claim streams with intertemporal consumption and constant relative risk aversion utilities. We derive explicit formulas for the derivatives of the utility indifference price with respect to claims and wealth. The elegant structure of these formulas is a reflection of surprising algebraic identities for the derivatives of the optimal consumption stream. Namely, the partial derivative of the optimal consumption stream with respect to the endowment is always a projection. Furthermore, it is an orthogonal projection with respect to a natural “economic inner product”. These algebraic identities generate cancellations between the terms entering derivatives of the indifference price and allow us to prove sharp global bounds for the indifference price that become exact when the claims to wealth ratio is large and risk aversion is between one and two. For general risk aversion, we show that, in the large claims to wealth ratio limit, the asymptotic expansion of the indifference price is given in terms of fractional powers of the wealth, depending on risk aversion. When risk aversion is equal to one, the fractional power depends on the underlying claim.

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