
In the Horizon 2020 project inDICEs, a consortium of 14 interdisciplinary partners from research and industry set out to develop an approach on how to understand and measure the impact of digital cultural heritage. Synthesising the results of three years of research, the consortium produced a MOOC on the KULeuvenX edX platform, focused on the development of digital transition strategies for both non-profit business models in heritage institutions as well as broader cultural and creative industries. Built on KU Leuven’s experience in developing MOOCs derived from Horizon research, this particular online course is part of a specific segment of the university’s MOOC offerings targeting primarily a professional audience. It is the third MOOC in a series intended for current and future professionals in the GLAM sector. In this paper, we discuss the choices behind the development of such a MOOC, and the strategic role such MOOCs play in the business model of the university, particularly with regards to micro-credentials. It also highlights the opportunities that networking with industry stakeholders opens for higher education and research organisations, as a not-for-profit valorisation effort. The MOOC brings insights on data monitoring and trend watching, copyright and digital asset management and development of digital strategies. Most importantly, it positions these topics within the context of new digital value chains for heritage institutions fostered by open access and participatory engagement models. As such, this paper will be of interest both to communities of MOOC developers - to understand how stakeholder communities and professional networks can steer choices, formats and approaches - as well as university MOOC business plan developers. Furthermore, as this MOOC embodies the growing interest of teachers and scholars in digital collections, it will also provide insights into opportunities such formats provided to the education and research sectors. Finally, it will speak to anyone working on MOOCs on the topic of cultural production and heritage.

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