
The purpose of this work was to study the influence of feed stations on behavioral indicators of high-yielding cows. The research was conducted at two farms of TDV “Terezine” (Kyiv region) with different options for feeding fodder: from a feed table and a feed table + at feed stations. On each farm, a group of unpregnant high-yielding cows of the Ukrainian black-spotted dairy breed (II lactation and older) with a daily productivity of 30 kg and above during the calving period (2–3 months of lactation) was formed. Using feed stations for concentrated feeds affected the daily behavior of high-yielding cows. With this option of feeding, lower values of the duration of walking and standing were observed (by 16.3 and 9.6 min), as well as a slightly longer duration of lying down rest – by 17.4 min. The total feeding duration was longer due to the consumption of concentrated feeds at feeding stations, which was 25.6 minutes. At both farms, the peak of daily foraging activity occurred at 08:00 and 18:00. On average, during the day, cows approached the feed table and ate feed 8.7 times (maximum 12, minimum 6). At the farm with concentrated fodder feeding at feed stations, the average hourly duration of fodder consumption from the feed table was slightly lower (by 1–8 min) than at the farm where cows were fed only with fodder mixtures. At the farm, with the use of feed stations, the values of the indices of comfort, use of stalls, and feeding were 3.14, 1.62, and 0.03 % higher compared to the option where cows were fed only with feed mixtures. This trend is explained by a slightly higher duration of rest and general feed consumption and, accordingly, a lower duration of walking and standing of animals. Somewhat lower values were for the index of standing, discomfort, and drunkenness, which were higher for feeding feed from the feed table – by 1.79, 0.04, and 0.008%, respectively

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