
The birth of Perppu 1/2020 as passed into Law 2/2020 presents the pros and cons of views in society. Article 27 of Perppu 1/2020 which regulates state financial policies and financial system stability for handling the Covid-19 pandemic turns out to give privileges to certain officials to be immune from the law. The rule of law universally prioritizes the main principle of equality before the law or everyone is equal before the law and the rule of law. But on the other hand, there is a concept called emergency constitutional law. Emergency law is a law that is deliberately enacted in and for emergencies, namely conditions that are narrow and precarious, very dangerous situations.This research is normative juridical research (normative legal research) which aims to analyze the suitability of the regulation of legal immunity rights with the concept of emergency constitutional law in Indonesia; analyze the impact of legal immunity rights regulation on the protection of citizens' rights; and finding indicators of regulating legal immunity rights by the concept of emergency constitutional law in Indonesia and the 1945 Constitution.

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