
Eustachian tube dilation is a controversial surgical procedure because the intended problem for which it is meant to address, obstructive Eustachian tube dysfunction, is a clinical diagnosis without a reliable diagnostic tool to test.In the past 10 years, balloon dilation Eustachian tuboplasty (BDET) has been the most commonly performed Eustachian tube dilation procedure. The present review seeks to identify the patients who may benefit from this procedure and thus propose the indications. Two randomized controlled trials for BDET published in the past 2 years showed statistically significant improvement in terms of symptomatic relief based on the ETDQ-7 scores and conversion of abnormal tympanograms (type B and type C) to normal tympanograms (type A). Based on the review of the evidence available so far, the proposed indication for Eustachian tube dilation using BDET is for a patient with ALL of the following: aural fullness greater than 12 weeks; type B or C tympanogram; ETDQ-7 mean score more than 2; and failed medical management including Valsalva maneuver and either 4 weeks of nasal steroids or 1 week of oral steroids.

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