
Abstract Harnessing the energy of the wind to obtain some useful work like grinding grains, pumping water and sailing boats has been there for a very long time. In modern times, wind energy is being used to generate electricity. Wind energy is one of the clean sources of energy and India has a huge potential for wind energy resources (102 GW at 80 m height and 302 GW at 100 m height). This vast potential has remained unexplored which can be achieved through well framed policies. This paper presents a detailed study of the fiscal incentives and development schemes offered by Indian government in expanding wind energy business. Wind energy policies of India have been keenly studied and obstacles to the success of these policies and programmes have also been discussed in this paper. The outcomes of this paper reiterate the work that has been conducted by Indian government (Central and State) in wind energy sector indicating lower renewable energy prices, improved financial incentives, opportunities in offshore wind energy and a steady market growth.

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