
<abstract> <p>This perspective is an attempt at describing the complex liaison between the Indian textile sector and the factors determining its export competitiveness. These dynamics range from logistics to the digital circular economy. In still greater detail, these could be listed as the geographical spread and the dynamism of exports, product combination and the level of specialization of exports, technical and skill levels across the industry as also efficiency, which in turn is influenced by the cost of production, delivery timetables, dependability of producers; and the image of the product brand and the exporter nation. Use of tools such as review of studies and Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) have been made so as to explain the theory of competitiveness in the Indian textile exports relative to its major competitors such as China, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. The study addresses several important issues as to the competitiveness and challenges before the Indian textile sector as far as its export performance is concerned. It suggests some alternatives to the current logistics- centric competitiveness discourse, chiefly, sustainable and gendered aspects of trade. The main contention of this perspective is that if understood sincerely, a gender -friendly Digital Circular Economy could work wonders for one and all.</p> </abstract>

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