
Pomegranate is commercially grown for its sweet-acidic taste. It is mainly used for dessert purpose and is one of the favorite table fruits of tropical and subtropical regions. The fruit is also processed to make juice, syrup, jam, jelly, wine, to flavor cakes, baked apples, etc. Of late its nutritional and medicinal values are given ample importance. Despite its versatile adaptability and economic importance, as a cultivated crop, the pomegranate is grown to a limited extent in selected locations in many states viz., Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh in India. This paper highlights the production scenario, export, direction of pomegranate trade and the efforts of the Agri-Business and Export Knowledge Centre (ABEKC) in the production, marketing and export of pomegranate from Karnataka. The secondary data were collected from different sources for this purpose. The periods 1987-1988 to 1995-1996 and 1996-1997 to 2006-2007 were considered as pre- and post-WTO period. The compound growth rate and Markov chain analysis were used to meet the objectives of the study. The quantity exported from India to different countries has increased from 1.2 million kg in 1990-1991 to 19.6 million kg in 2005-2006 with an increase in the export value from Rs. 1.62 to Rs. 56.70 crore. However, still the quantity exported is less than 3% of its total production. The growth rate analysis showed that the higher growth in the pomegranate export during the pre-WTO period than the post-WTO period both in terms of quantity and value may be due to lower base as it was further substantiated by the higher coefficient of variation during the pre-WTO period. Though exports of the pomegranate are currently directed all over the world, due to their origin, they are mostly consumed in the Middle and Far East as well as in Mediterranean countries and the United Kingdom. Consumption is dispersed and slow to take off, as western consumers consider it exotic and difficult to eat. This indicates that there is a need to harness other potential markets too considering the quality requirements and taste changes preferred by the consumers. The Markov chain analysis showed that the UAE was one of the stable importers of Indian pomegranate in both the periods. In the post-WTO period the probability of retention was higher for the countries grouped in the ‘others’ category. That means that there is a demand for Indian pomegranate in the other western countries. The location specific efforts of the Agri-Business and Export Knowledge Centre (ABEKC), UAS, Dharwad in the production and marketing of pomegranate helped the pomegranate growers in realizing better returns in Karnataka. Initiating the creation of basic infrastructural facilities in the region helps for domestic as well as international marketing of pomegranate.

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