
In India, the dairy industry plays a very important role in the country’s socio-economic, culture development and constitutes an important segment of the rural economy. Dairy industry provides subsistence to millions of houses in villages, ensuring supply of quality milk and milk products to people in both urban and rural areas. A farmer can earn a gross surplus of about Rs. 60,000 per year from a unit consisting of 2 milking buffaloes. Even more profits can be earned depending upon the breed of animal, managerial skills and demand of marketing. The role of agriculture in the segment of national & international trade is very much important to understand the economic development. About 70% of Indian export depends on agriculture products in includes by dairy products. The co-operative dairy is an agency which carries a production of milk and marketing milk product. This activity supports the producers who are having low income farmers. The mainly paper is divided into three parts are first parts deals with the Development of Dairy Industry in India, second part consist with problems of Indian dairy industry and last part covers solution is the concluding remarks.

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