
The apparel sector is one of Indio’s oldest and most important economic sectors. It is the only industry which is self-reliant and complete in value chain, that is, from row material to the highest valueadded product-apparel. The growth and development of this industry has a significant bearing on the overall development of the Indian economy. Till dote, Multi-fibre Arrangement (MFA) governed the world trade in apparel but apparel trade is likely to change base after Multi-fibre Arrangement (MFA) phase-out. The exact impact of MFA phase-out will be visible after a considerable time period. Industry experts say the main losers are going to be the companies in developing countries, which have built up market shore due to holding quota or having quota-free access. This paper discusses the challenges before the Indian apparel export industry in view of Multi-fibre Arrangement (MFA) phase-out. It also suggests some important steps to be token, which would help apparel exporters garner a larger shore in the world trade of apparel in the post-MFA phase-out period.

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