
Responding to concerns about the quality of research papers as well as data manipulation, plagiarism, and other misconduct, India’s University Grants Commission (UGC) will require that all doctoral students complete a course in research and publication ethics starting in the 2020–21 academic year. A UGC committee recommended the course last year as one way to improve research quality. The 30 h course will cover general philosophy and ethics as well as scientific conduct and publication ethics issues, including falsification, fabrication, and plagiarism; selective reporting and misrepresentation of data; duplicate and overlapping publications; and authorship. It will also deal with how to check publisher copyright policies, use plagiarism-detection software, and identify “predatory” journals—fake publications that steal money from authors. The UGC has set up a database of reputable journals called the UGC-CARE List. A 2015 analysis showed that 35% of authors in predatory journals were in India. The new course is

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