
In his preface to a special issue (and dedicated workshop) on the biology of butterfl yfi shes, Motta (1989) suggested that butterfl yfi shes have received disproportionate scientifi c attention compared to other common and conspicuous families of coral reef fi shes. In support of this assertion, the number of scientifi c publications that consider butterfl yfi shes (ISI Web of Knowledge; 382 publications since 1927) is far greater than for many other families of nominal reef fi shes (e.g., angelfi shes, surgeonfi shes, and rabbitfi shes); the only families that have been more intensively studied are the Pomacentridae (damselfi shes), Serranidae (groupers) and Labridae (parrotfi shes and wrasses), which probably refl ects their high diversity, commercial and functional importance, respectively. In this respect, research on butterfl yfi shes has contributed greatly to general understanding of theAuthors’ affi liations given at the end of the chapter.

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