
7Jibliographies,tArchival Inventories, Indexes INDEXTO RUSSELLS NEW HOPES FOR A CHANGING WORLD ROMA HUTCHINSON Summerfields, The Glade Escrick, York vo19 6JH, England RH1@YORK.AC. UK The edirion of New Hopesfor a Changing World indexed here was published by George Allen and Unwin in London in 1951.The paginarion for Simon and .Schusrer'sedirion (New York, 1952) is very similar. .Subrracr abour 5 from rhe page numbers below ro find references in rhe American edirion. The presenr index is rhe sixrh in a series of indexes char began wirh a nan1e index ro The Foundations of Geometry (1897) in Russell, no. 8 (1972), anorher ro Human Society in Ethics and Politics (1954) in n.s. 11 (1991),and rhe presem indexer's full indexes ro Portraitsfrom Memory in 17 (1997), Fact and Fiction in 18 (1998),and Authority and the Individual in 19 (1999).-Ed. academies, for exceptional individuals 215-16 adultery 15,79, 178 adventure 207-8, 216 seealsorisk-taking aeroplanes 65 affection for children 203, 215 Africa 10, 208 birth-control in 144 North Africa made desert 38, 212 population 44, 46, 49-50, 52, 53 suspicion of white imperialism 1445 Wes~ernexpenditure required 143 aggression dealing with 195-6 impulses of 29, 161-2, 175-6 seealsohostility; racial hostility russell: the Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies The Bertrand Russell R=arch Centre, McMaster U. agriculture effect on soil 38, 212 in human progress 25-6, 45, 88-9 and industrialism 92-3 international authority 212 land-availability and population 534 productivity in 27-8, 43, 50 aid, international 138,139 Albigenses n8 Alexander the Great 109 Alps 65, 169 altruism in economic relations 140 Amazon 136 America and civil war in Russia 124 economic policy in 1920s 126 failure of Marxism 122 n.s. 21 (summer 2001): 65Hl6 ISSN 0036-01631 70 ROMA HUTCHINSON mixed-race inhabitants 102 problem with funding birth-control in Africa 144 reactionary fanaticism in 126-7 religious persecution in 118 trade, and prosperity of other nations 138 tropical 10, 44, 53 vs. Russia 112 seealsoCentral America; North America; South America; United States American Indians seeRed Indians Amish 127 anarchy 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 198, 199 Anglo-Iranian Oil Company 147 animals 25, 193, 209 animal kingdom 188 courage in face of aggression '?5 domestication 45 minds of 167 seealsoapes; birds Antarctic 208 anti-Semitism 107-9, 111-12 anti-trust legislation 134 Antiochus IV 127 ants 41, 59, 108 apes arboreal, and terrestrial 21-3, 168 Arabs 102, 146 and civilization 89 Argentina 94 aristocracies 28, 74, 80, 81, 89, 90, 154 Armenians 123 armies 28, 64-6, 97-8 international armed authority 21314 rules for using 98 artists 28, 216 Aryans 75, 102 Ashtaroth 117 Asia 10, 46, 125 obstacles to prosperity 12-13, 48, 92 South-East, and poverty 12, 44, 99 suspicion of white imperialism 1445 Western, made desert 38 Western attirudes to 11 Western expenditure required 143 Asia Minor 64 Asians relations of whites to 105-7 astronomers 32 Athenians, as mongrel race n4 Atlantic Ocean 208 Atlantic Powers 118 atom bombs 9, 47, 90, 95-6, 97, 141, 159, 174, 213 atomic energy 29, 39, 96, 143 Augustine, St. 109 education 200, 205 Auschwit2 115 Austen, Jane 68 Australia 54, 99 Aborigine (people) 101, 114 Asians in 105 solution to race problem 112 authors 170 autocracy 124,125 Babel, Tower of 39 babies, new-born three instincts 161 Babylon 15 captivity of Jews 127 Bacchus 16 Bach 28 Bakunin 125 Bali 135 Balkans 118, 125 banks, and bankruptcy 137 barbarians 70, 89, 109, 114, 166 Bebe!, August 123 bees 41, 59 beliefs 26 Bennett, Arnold 196 Besant, Annie 52 Bible 43, 63 seealsoCorinthians; Exodus; Genesis ; Judges; Luke; Matthew bigotry 12, 49 birds 168 seealsopigeons; ravens birth-control 13, 46, 48---9,50--1, 52-4, 144, 194 objections to, and fanaticism 127 universal 213 birth-rate 45, 48, 54, 55, 155 Index to New Hopes for a Changing World 71 Bismarck, Orto von 119 black Americans seenegroes, American black races seenegroes "blackamoors" 109 Blake, William 216 Bli.icher (Prussian field marshal) 69 "blue blood" 74, 157 Boethius 89, 187 The Consolationof Philosophy [printed "Consolations"] 185 Bogomil...

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