
April 3, 2010 (11:17 am) C:\Users\Milt\Desktop\backup copy of Ken's G\WPData\TYPE2902\russell 29,2 050 red.wpd russell: the Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies n.s. 29 (winter 2009–10): 149–66 The Bertrand Russell Research Centre, McMaster U. issn 0036-01631 ibliographies, rchival nventories, ndexes INDEX TO MORTALS AND OTHERS Roma Hutchinson SummerWelds, The Glade Escrick, York y019 6jh, u.k. rh1@york.ac.uk The edition of Mortals and Others indexed here is that of Routledge, London and New York, 2009. It combines and repaginates the separate volumes of 1975 and 1998. See the Russell entry for references to new biographical details.—zK.yB. Abdor Rahman Khan (“King of Afghanistan ”) 323 Abel 78, 97, 274 Abrams, Ray H.: Preachers Present Arms 258 accuracy, in modern education 126 achievers, childhood characteristics 85 actions, understanding another’s 71 Adam 14, 97 adaptation to change 162 Adrian VI (pope) 5, 18 adult education 277 adventure 209–10, 248 aeroplanes 113, 120 Aeschylus 52 aTection, between parents and children 37, 272, 289–90 Afghanistan 323 Africa cruelty in 250 and yellow fever 230 African explorers, and cannibals 315 Agincourt, battle of 193 Agoniclites 279, 280 agricultural labourers: knowledge of time and place 84 agriculture, scientiWc methods in 104 airmen, and manliness 136 Albert Nyanza (lake in Africa) 303, 351 n.53 Alexander the Great 51 and egoism 284 and his father 89 as heroic role-model 105 motives 209 Alexander I (“Emperor of Russia”) 159 Alexandrians 341 “all-in” wrestling, and enfeebled modern man 201 Allegheny mountaineers 64 alms-giving 129, 321 Amazon, exploration of 209 see also Conquistadores America democracy vs. free land 199 hatred of 324 pace of change 253 people and culture 120 political status, and eTect on citizens 53 and public expenditure 168 race hatred in 207 its scapegoats 280 snobbery in 48, 49 superiority of 26, 204 American big business 47 American Historical Association commission 297 American Indians 249 American railways, uniWcation of 231–2 Americans abroad 16–17, 333 in Haiti and Central America 72 as seafaring 120 amusement(s) advantages and drawbacks 246–7 and passivity 56 analysis, and philosophers 110 anarchy, experience of 266, 287 April 3, 2010 (11:17 am) C:\Users\Milt\Desktop\backup copy of Ken's G\WPData\TYPE2902\russell 29,2 050 red.wpd 150 roma hutchinson ancient Greeks 120, 242, 243, 341 anger, transferring 275–6 Anglo-Dutch problem 119 Anglo-Indians, understanding 71–2 animals aTection for 211 and human beings 117–18 instincts 305 Anne, Queen 33 Anne of Bohemia, Princess 217, 218 anthropologists 163 apricots 314 Arabic numerals, invention of 315 Arabian Nights 313 Arabs and astrologers 121 as seafaring 120 Arc de Triomphe, Paris 323 archaeologists 163 Archimedes 51 architecture, and national success 52–3 aristocracy and charity 129–30 and Wne clothes 135, 136 honour among 160 income(s) of 153 marrying for money 332 Aristotle 61 and Alexander the Great 89–90, 209 as canon of orthodoxy 131–2 and education 278 arithmetic and declining accuracy in school work 125–6 elements of, discovered 341 Armistice Day 35 army: cowardice in 32 artiWciality vs. nature 21–2 artistic training 302 artists, and failure 184 ascetic morality 55 Asia 26 astrologers 121–2 astrology, believers in, and manners 338 astronomers in eighteenth-century China 104 on persistence of human race 73, 257 astronomy, as escapism 65 Athenian State, mismanagement of 341 Athenians, success of 52 Atherton, Gertrude 9 Atlantic cable 324 atoms, motion of 344 Attila 98 attracting opposite sex 136, 340 Augustine, Saint: City of God 341 Augustus (Roman emperor) 341 Austen, Jane: allusion to Emma 83 Austria, post-war 67 authority, revolt against, and liberty 240–1 average man/woman, and respect of others 50 Azerbaijan 325 Aztec cruelty 146 baboons, in London Zoo 265–6 Babylonia 164, 341 Bach, J.yS. 52, 118 “bad” boys 38 bad luck, dangers of believing in 183 Baghdad “for the Easter holidays” 83 Baillie, Jimmie (“man whom I had not seen for 40 years”) 147 Baker, Sir Samuel 303 Ball, John 193 Bank of England, Governor, and Prime Minister 121 Bank of France, fantasies about, as escapism...

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