
Articles| October 01 1999 Index of Suspicion Pediatr Rev (1999) 20 (10): 353–357. https://doi.org/10.1542/pir.20.10.353 Views Icon Views Article contents Figures & tables Video Audio Supplementary Data Peer Review Share Icon Share Twitter LinkedIn Tools Icon Tools Get Permissions Cite Icon Cite Search Site Citation Index of Suspicion. Pediatr Rev October 1999; 20 (10): 353–357. https://doi.org/10.1542/pir.20.10.353 Download citation file: Ris (Zotero) Reference Manager EasyBib Bookends Mendeley Papers EndNote RefWorks BibTex toolbar search nav search search input Search input auto suggest search filter All PublicationsAll JournalsPediatrics In ReviewPediatricsHospital PediatricsNeoReviewsAAP Grand RoundsAAP NewsAll AAP Sites Search Advanced Search Topics: abdominal pain, albers-schonberg disease, appendicitis, lithium, nausea and vomiting, pain, polydipsia, polyuria, scrotal swelling, scrotum A 4½-month-old boy is brought to you for the first time because of concern about his large head and bulging fontanelle. He was born at 38 weeks’ gestation, the product of an uneventful pregnancy, and was 50 cm in length (40th percentile)and had a head circumference of 34.5 cm (25th percentile). The infant became irritable during the third week of life,experiencing episodes of inconsolable crying and poor sleeping. At age 6 weeks,he was noted to have a large head with a prominent and firm anterior fontanelle. Cranial ultrasonography yielded normal results. At age 4 months, the baby had developed poor head control and marked hypotonia. A computed tomographic scan of the head showed only mild prominence of the ventricles. Results of urinary amino acid and thyroid function testing were normal. Physical examination reveals an irritable infant whose length and weight are in the 10th percentile but whose head circumference is... You do not currently have access to this content.

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