
Index of Shaw:The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies from Volumes One to Twenty-One Gale K. Larson, Compiler The following Index of SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, published by The Pennsylvania State University Press, University Park, PA, covers the past twenty-one volumes from 1981 to 2001. It contains the author, title, and pagination of each article for all the volumes in chronological order. Book reviews are also listed. Volume One: Shaw and Religion. Charles A. Berst, Editor R. F. Bosworth. "Shaydullah Sees Shaw." 3-4. Charles A. Berst. "In the Beginning: The Poetic Genesis of Shaw's God." 5-41. J. L. Wisenthal. "Shaw and Ra: Religion and Some History Plays." 45-56. Ina Rae Hark. "Lady Cicely, I Presume: Converting the Heathen, Shavian Style." 57-73. Charles A. Berst. "'Some Necessary Repairs to Religion': Resurrecting an Early Shavian 'Sermon.'" 77-97. Israel Cohen. "Superman and Jew: Mr. Bernard Shaw and Herr Brainin—A Notable Conversation." 99-104. Sidney P. Albert. "The Lord's Prayer and Major Barbara." 107-128. [End Page 211] David Matual. "Shaw's The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet and Tolstoy's The Power of Darkness: Dramatic Kinship and Theological Opposition." 129-139. Valli Rao. "Back to Methuselah: A Blakean Interpretation." 141-181. Daniel Leary. "Too True to Be Good and Shaw's Romantic Synthesis: A Religion for Our Times." 183-203. Warren Sylvester Smith. "The Adventures of Shaw, the Nun, and the Black Girl." 205-222. Charles A. Carpenter. "Shaw and Religion/Philosophy: A Working Bibliography." 225-246. Reviews and Checklist Tony Stephenson. "Shaw's Women." Review of Shaw and the Actresses, by Margot Peters. New York: Doubleday, 1980. 249-251. Google Scholar Calvin G. Rand. "Money and Politics." Review of Money and Politics in Ibsen, Shaw and Brecht, by Bernard F. Dukore. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1980. 251-254. Google Scholar John R. Pfeiffer. "A Continuing Checklist of Shaviana." 255-258. Volume Two: Shaw. Stanley Weintraub, Editor Ray Bradbury. "GBS and the Loin of Pork." 1-2. Tony Jason Stafford. "Mrs Warren's Profession: In the Garden of Respectability." 3-11. Thomas P. Adler. "Candida as a 'Mystery.'" 13-15. Joseph M. Hassett. "Climate and Character in John Bull's Other Island." 17-25. Robert Coskren. "Siegfried Elements in the Plays of Bernard Shaw." 27-46. Robert Wexelblatt. "Epicurus and Aristotle—And Satan and Juan." 47-55. Thomas F. Hale. "Bernard Shaw—The Emergence of a Republican Royalist." 57-74. Philip Klass. "'The Lady Automation' by E. E. Kellett: A Pygmalion Source?" 75-100. [End Page 212] Edgar Rosenberg. "The Shaw/Dickens File: 1914 to 1950. An Annotated Checklist (Concluded)." 101-145. Cecil Lewis. "George Bernard Shaw. A Pen Study." 147-153. Christopher Hollis. "Mr Shaw's Saint Joan." 155-169. Susan Rusinko. "Rattigan versus Shaw: The 'Drama of Ideas' Debate." 171-178. Margot Peters, Charles Berst, Daniel Leary. "The State and Future of Shaw Research: The MLA Conference and Transcript." 179-193. Reviews and Checklist Stanley Weintraub. "Bernard Shaw, Film-Maker." Review of The Collected Screenplays of Bernard Shaw. Edited with an Introduction by Bernard F. Dukore. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1980. 195-200. Google Scholar Alexander Seabrook. "Not by Shaw." Review of Lady, Wilt Thou Love Me? Eighteen Love Poems for Ellen Terry Attributed to George Bernard Shaw. Edited by Jack Werner. New York: Stein and Day, 1980. 200-201. Google Scholar Robert Chapman. "Tailoring Heartbreak House for the Stage." Review of Bernard Shaw, Heartbreak House: A Facsimile of the Revised Typescript. Edited by Stanley Weintraub and Anne Wright. (General Editor of the Early Texts: Play Manuscripts in Facsimile Series: Dan H. Laurence.) New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1981. 201-206. Google Scholar John R. Pfeiffer. "A Continuing Checklist of Shaviana." 207-217. Volume Three: Shaw's Plays in Performance. Daniel Leary, Editor. Daniel Leary. "From Page to Stage to Audience in Shaw." 1-23. Bernard Shaw. "Less Scenery Would Mean Better Drama." 25-27. Gladys M. Crane. "Directing Early Shaw: Acting and Meaning in Mrs Warren's Profession." 29-39. Charles A. Berst. "The Action of Shaw's Settings and Props." 41-65. Robert F. Whitman. "Shaw Listens to the Actors: The Completion of...

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