
The metamorphosis of insects is controlled by the blood titers of a small number of developmental hormones including a class of steroids, the ecdysteroids. We have studied the developmental fates of several muscles and their motoneurons during the larval-pupal transformation of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. The endocrine events which trigger pupal development are first, a fall in the blood titer of juvenile hormone, followed by two subsequent elevations of blood ecdysteroids. The small "commitment pulse" of ecdysteroids commits tissues to pupal development, whereas the sustained "prepupal peak" causes the new pupa to be formed (Riddiford, L. M. (1980) In Progress in Ecdysone Research, J.A. Hoffmann, ed., pp. 409-430, Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press, Amsterdam). In the present experiments we were able to correlate specific aspects of the changing blood steroid titers with the degeneration of larval muscles, and with the dendritic regression and death of their motoneurons. The abdominal prolegs, which are the principal locomotory appendages of the caterpillar, are lost during the larval-pupal transformation. We have followed the fates of a proleg retractor muscle, PPRM, and its single motoneuron, PPR. Two other differently fated abdominal muscles not associated with the proleg were also studied. Surgical and endocrinological manipulations showed that PPRM degenerates in response to the rising phase of the prepupal ecdysteroid peak and that interactions with its motoneuron are not involved in the muscle's death. Motoneuron PPR responds to the rising prepupal peak by first reducing its dendritic arbor by 40% and then dying. Other proleg motoneurons regress but do not die, indicating that dendritic regression is programmed separately from neuronal death. Neither the dendritic reduction nor the death of PPR involves interactions with its target muscle. These results indicate that ecdysteroids have independent and parallel effects in the periphery, where they cause muscle degeneration, and in the central nervous system, where they cause dendritic regression and death of motoneurons.

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