
Work of the last few years has shown that the key algebraic features of Logarithmic Conformal Field Theories (LCFTs) are already present in some finite lattice systems (such as the XXZ spin-1/2 chain) before the continuum limit is taken. This has provided a very convenient way to analyze the structure of indecomposable Virasoro modules and to obtain fusion rules for a variety of models such as (boundary) percolation etc. LCFTs allow for additional quantum numbers describing the fine structure of the indecomposable modules, and generalizing the ‘ b-number’ introduced initially by Gurarie for the c = 0 case. The determination of these indecomposability parameters (or logarithmic couplings) has given rise to a lot of algebraic work, but their physical meaning has remained somewhat elusive. In a recent paper, a way to measure b for boundary percolation and polymers was proposed. We generalize this work here by devising a general strategy to compute matrix elements of Virasoro generators from the numerical analysis of lattice models and their continuum limit. The method is applied to XXZ spin-1/2 and spin-1 chains with open (free) boundary conditions. They are related to gl ( n + m | m ) and osp ( n + 2 m | 2 m ) -invariant superspin chains and to non-linear sigma models with supercoset target spaces. These models can also be formulated in terms of dense and dilute loop gas. We check the method in many cases where the results were already known analytically. Furthermore, we also confront our findings with a construction generalizing Gurarieʼs, where logarithms emerge naturally in operator product expansions to compensate for apparently divergent terms. This argument actually allows us to compute indecomposability parameters in any logarithmic theory. A central result of our study is the construction of a Kac table for the indecomposability parameters of the logarithmic minimal models LM ( 1 , p ) and LM ( p , p + 1 ) .

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