
Biogeographia vol. )OO( - 2011 (Pubblicato il 23 dicembre 2011) La Biogeografia della Sicilia Indagini preliminari sulla biologia riproduttiva e sugli aspetti ecologici dell’Occhione (Bur/Jimts oedicnemus) nella penisola di Thapsos (Siracusa) MARIATERESA SPENA*, ROSARIO GRASSO*, ENRICA POLLONARA**, DIMITRI GIUNCHI**, NATALE EMILIO BALDACCINI** * Dzjuzrtimento di Scienze Biologic/7e, Geologicke eAmbz'erztzzlz', Uni:/ersitzi degli Studi di Czztanizz, via Androne 81, 95124 Czztanzkz (Italy); e—maz'l: marisaspemz @botmzzz'l. com; roszzgm @um'ct. it ** Dzfzzrtimento di Biologizz, Unit/ersitzi di Pisa, z/izz A. Volta 6, 56126 Pisa (Itzzly); e-mail: epollomzrzz @5i0[ogz'zz. it; a’giuncbz'@bz°o[ogz'zz. zmipi. it; e/uzldazccini @bz'0logia. it Key words: Eurasian Stone curlew, Bur/Jinus oedimemw, breeding biology, nest survival, Sicily. SUMMARY The Eurasian Stone curlew Bur/ainu: oedicnemu: (Linnaeus, 1758) is currently included into the European list of species of conservation concern given the large decline of its breeding populations, which occurred during the second half of the twentieth century. A similar trend, mostly due to the fragmentation and the contraction of the potential nesting habitat, has been recorded also throughout the Italian territory and this led the species to be in- cluded into the Italian “Red List” of breeding birds. Even though its conservation status is clearly unfavourable, the data regarding the biology of Stone Curlew are rather incomplete, probably because of its elusive and mostly noc- turnal habits. Such information, however, is of paramount importance to appropriately manage the populations of this species. In order to contribute to fill at least partially this gap in knowledge, we started an investigation re- garding the breeding biology of the Stone Curlew in the Peninsula of Thapsos (Siracusa, Sicily), which hosts a con- sistent and probably resident population of this species. Starting from 2007 we intensively monitored nesting ac- tivity, gathering data on the reproductive phenology, the size of eggs and hatching success. In parallel, in an attempt to make a contribution to understand the biogeographical structure of Mediterranean populations, we began a mo- lecular analysis of blood samples taken from birds belonging to different Italian and European populations. The re- sults collected so far should be considered preliminary. INTRODUZIONE L’Occhione Burbinus oedicnemus Linnaeus, 1758 Fi . 1 e resente in O I g p I I Europa orrentale ed occidentale, dove occupa prevalentemente 1‘Cg1OI11 step- piche, aride e desertiche. E incluso nella lista delle specie d’interesse con-

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