
Some studies have associated ex situ conservation with cerebral and gonadal developmental delay, as well as decreased motor performance in Lepidochelys olivacea offspring. Ex situ management is also related to a more mature spleen and a differential leukocyte count in newly emerged Lepidochelys olivacea hatchlings. The physiological relevance of a more mature spleen is unknown in sea turtles, but studies in birds suggest an increased immune response. Because egg relocation to hatcheries is a common conservation practice, it is imperative to know its impact on hatchling physiology. Herein, plasma activity of superoxide dismutase, alkaline phosphatase and the alternative complement pathway, as well as total antioxidant capacity and hydrogen peroxide concentrations were quantified in hatchlings from in situ and ex situ nests under basal conditions at nest emergence. Toll-like receptor 4 (tlr4), heat shock proteins (hsp) 70 and hsp90 expression were quantified in the spleen and liver of the hatchlings. Hepatocyte density and nuclear area were quantified in histological sections of the liver and all turtles were sexed by histological sectioning of the gonads. Total antioxidant capacity and hydrogen peroxide concentrations in plasma were lower in turtles from ex situ nests, while tlr4 and hsp70 mRNA expression was higher in the spleen but not in the liver. Ex situ incubation produced 98% male hatchlings, whereas in situ incubation produced 100% females. There were no other differences in the attributes sampled between hatchlings emerging from ex situ and in situ treatments. The results suggest that ex situ relocated turtles may be less prone to oxidative stress than in situ incubated hatchlings and could have more mature splenic function. Together, the data suggest that ex situ relocation to shaded hatcheries biased sex determination but preserved the general physiological condition of sea turtle hatchlings.

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