
Predicting the popularity of web contents in online social networks is essential for many applications. However, existing works are usually under non-incremental settings. In other words, they have to rebuild models from scratch when new data occurs, which are inefficient in big data environments. It leads to an urgent need for incremental prediction, which can update previous results with new data and conduct prediction incrementally. Moreover, the promising direction of group-level popularity prediction has not been well treated, which explores fine-grained information while keeping a low cost. To this end, we identify the problem of incremental group-level popularity prediction, and propose a novel model IGPP to address it. We first predict the group-level popularity incrementally by exploiting the incremental CANDECOMP/PARAFCAC (CP) tensor decomposition algorithm. Then, to reduce the cumulative error by incremental prediction, we propose three strategies to restart the CP decomposition. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that identifies and solves the problem of incremental group-level popularity prediction. Extensive experimental results show significant improvements of the IGPP method over other works both in the prediction accuracy and the efficiency.

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