
Low-rank and sparse representation (LRSR) has gained popularity in hyperspectral image (HSI) classification. However, existing LRSR models usually treat HSI as a two-dimensional matrix, which may destroy the original 3D intrinsic structure of HSI. Moreover, the dictionary consisting of only training samples lacks completeness and may be suboptimal for representation. To overcome the above issues, we propose an incremental dictionary learning-driven tensor low-rank and sparse representation (TLRSR-IDL) model for HSI classification. First, we represent HSI as a third-order tensor to retain its original 3D intrinsic structure by using the TLRSR model, which also combines both sparsity and low rankness to maintain global and local data structures. Second, we design an optimal reconstruction within regularized neighborhood (ORRN) method to exploit spectral-spatial information by avoiding the interference of heterogeneous samples in the neighborhood. Finally, an incremental dictionary learning (IDL) scheme is designed to iteratively introduce augmented samples into the dictionary, and the final classification map is produced by feeding back the last round of the incremental dictionary into the TLRSR-IDL model. The main innovative contribution lies in that the proposed IDL scheme can leverage supervised and unsupervised information, which greatly enhances traditional LRSR and TLRSR models. Experimental results based on three popular hyperspectral datasets demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms other related counterparts in terms of classification accuracy and generalization performance, with OA improvements of 0.97%-16.83%, 1.25%-6.89%, and 0.85%-6.67% for Indian Pines, Pavia University, and Salinas, respectively.

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