
The alpha-galactosidase (AGA) from Bifidobacterium adolescentis DSM 20083 has a high transglycosylation activity. The optimal conditions for this activity are pH 8, and 37 degrees C. At high melibiose concentration (600 mM), approximately 64% of the enzyme-substrate encounters resulted in transglycosylation. Examination of the acceptor specificity showed that AGA required a hydroxyl group at C-6 for transglycosylation. Pentoses, hexuronic acids, deoxyhexoses, and alditols did not serve as acceptor molecules. Disaccharides were found to be good acceptors. A putative 3D-structure of the catalytic site of AGA was obtained by homology modeling. Based on this structure and amino acid sequence alignments, site-directed mutagenesis was performed to increase the transglycosylation efficiency of the enzyme, which resulted in four positive mutants. The positive single mutations were combined, resulting in six double mutants. The mutant H497M had an increase in transglycosylation of 16%, whereas most of the single mutations showed an increase of 2%-5% compared to the wild-type AGA. The double mutants G382C-Y500L, and H497M-Y500L had an increase in transglycosylation activity of 10%-16%, compared to the wild-type enzyme, whereas the increase for the other double mutants was low (4%-7%). The results show that with a single mutation (H497M) the transglycosylation efficiency can be increased from 64% to 75% of all enzyme-substrate encounters. Combining successful single mutants in double mutations did not necessarily result in an extra increase in transglycosylation efficiency. The donor and acceptor specificity did not change in the mutants, whereas the thermostability of the mutants with G382C decreased drastically.

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