
Currently, research is being conducted all over the world to create clearly defined operating, technological and design parameters that ensure the continuity of hydrodynamic and thermal processes, which will improve the energy efficiency of heat supply devices and the technical characteristics necessary for the development of control circuits. One of the most pressing problems in this area is the development of modern pipeline designs based on the values of the critical speed of the heat transfer flow, hydraulic resistance and solid particle concentrations relative to the calculated parameters along the line and their mathematical models, improvement of calculation methods and modification of the turbulizing elements of the heat transfer flow. The efficiency factor (COP) of water heating boilers used today in the country is 70-75%. This article presents an analysis of research on the creation of heating boilers by improving the hydraulic parameters of boilers and using effective structural elements to increase the energy efficiency of hot water boilers. The article presents a hydraulic calculation of improved parameters of a hot water boiler. It has been shown that the design of a finned heat-conducting pipe is more effective than a smooth one. As a result of research and calculations, it was possible to increase the thermal efficiency of the water heating boiler by 15-20%. This increases the efficiency of hot water boilers and saves resources used as fuel.

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