
The urgency of creating new optoelectronic information-measuring systems using modern software and hardware is shown. This is demonstrated by the passport of the scientific specialty 05.11.06 “Information-measuring and control systems (by industry)”, indicating the importance of studying theoretical and practical problems, methods and technical means of information-measuring and control systems, their metrological support, control and testing, creation and improvement of complex information-measuring and control systems. The goal of the work is formulated as the implementation of a systematic approach to improving the metrological reliability of a fiber-optic information-measuring system for controlling a magnetic field based on the Faraday effect, carried out taking into account two points that contribute to an increase in the efficiency of information-measuring systems on optical fibers. An assessment of the metrological reliability of magnetic field monitoring devices in the field of fiber-optic sensors and systems has been carried out to select effective ways to achieve the goal of this work, as the reliability of monitoring tools is a feature of all sensors and systems to preserve the values of metrological characteristics laid down in them by manufacturers throughout operating time, under certain conditions of their use and normal operating conditions. The possibilities of using the software engineering method to improve the metrological reliability of the fiber-optic IMS for magnetic field control have been investigated. A sequential chain of actions to achieve this goal has been formulated: the basis for the construction of wholesale-curved information-measuring systems for monitoring the magnetic field, the formulation of the problem, the way to solve it, the systematization of regulatory documents taking into account international standards; interstate (regional); national state systems for ensuring the uniformity of measurements; State systems of standardization; industry standards (OST); standards of organizations and enterprises; norms and technical regulations; technical conditions and classifiers. The novelty of the software engineering method for improving the metrological reliability of optoelectronic information-measuring systems and its industrial applicability are substantiated.

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