
Problem. The task of increasing the efficiency of cargo handling at a modern warehouse terminal is considered. The need to introduce intelligent cargo handling systems has increased due to the increased demand for supplies and the reduction of personnel in the field of logistics. When analyzing the current state of terminal transportation, it was found that the volume of transportation exceeds the capacity of the terminals. Goal. The goal is to choose a set of technical means of identification and means of cargo transportation for the management of the terminal, which will increase the efficiency and speed of cargo handling operations in the warehouse taking into account the specified criteria and restrictions. Methodology. The task of choosing a identification system is complicated by the ambiguity of various system parameters and characteristics. Their inconsistency complicates the design process. To solve this problem, the principle of system decomposition is used, in which the solution of lower-level tasks, which have their own criteria and restrictions, leads to the solution of the general design problem taking into account these limitations. The task of choosing technical means belongs to the class of multi-criteria and can be solved by methods of multi-criteria optimization of this type of objects. Results. The technology of automated design of the warehouse terminal has been developed. Models for selecting components of the logistic terminal control system have been developed. An example of the selection of the element base of the identification and transportation system according to the specified criteria and restrictions is given. Originality. The originality lies in the fact that the using intelligent components of information processing systems allow to increase warehouse terminal productivity. Practical value. Using the technology of automated design of modern warehouse terminals, a number of issues related to the accuracy, quality and speed of decision-making during cargo handling are solved.

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