
ABSTRACT Recently, the issue of harassment and intimidation of women in politics in long-established democracies has become a source of concern. Current research emphasizes that while women may be more frequently attacked, not all incidents of abuse against women in politics are of a gendered nature. This finding prompts further questions such as are women more frequently targeted because they are women and does such targeting inhibit women from fully participating in political campaigning? Using data from the Representative Audit of Britain’s survey of candidates contesting the 2019 General Election, this study shows that harassment has a negative electoral effect for women, even while controlling for the visibility of the candidate. This article argues that the harassment of women candidates in the UK is gendered, both in its motives and outcomes as it forces women to modify their campaign activities in ways that diminish their chances of gaining office. Our findings contribute to the theoretical and empirical understanding of violence towards women in politics and gendered political violence.


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  • T his arti cl e ar g u es t h at t h e h ar ass m e nt of womencan di d at es intheUK is g e n d er e d, b ot h i n its m oti v es a n d o ut c o m es as it f or c es womentomo dif y t h eir c a m p ai g n a cti viti es i n w a ys t h at di mi nis h t h eir chanc es of g ai ni ngoffice

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R e c e ntl y, t h e iss u e of h ar ass m e nt a n d i nti mi d ati o n of womeninp oliti cs inlon gest a blis heddemo cr a ci es h as becomeaso ur c e of c o n c er n. B ut t his c o n cl usi oncanbe bi as edbeca us ethep ers o n al c h ar a ct eristi cs of a p oliti ci a n ar e li nkedtoth eir li k eli hoodtobe el e ct e d ( C olli gnonandS aj uri a 2 0 1 8 ) andthe li k eli h o o d of h ar ass m e nt ( C olli gnonandRü di g 2 0 2 0 ; G orr ell et al 2 0 1 8 , 2 0 2 1 ; Gr eenwood et al 2 0 1 9 ) It thenbecom es i m p ort a nt t o a n al ys e t h e dir e ct andin dir e ct o ut c o m es of h ar assm e nt a n d i nti mi d ati ontobea bl e t o d et er mi n e w h et h er or n ot o ut c o m es ar egend er e d. C o e ffi ci e nts a n d t-st atisti cs of GSEMmod el e x pl ai ni n g v ot e s h ar e

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