
The results of the studies of mechanochemical activation of motor fuels aimed to increase their calorific value and reduce their consumption in automotive internal combustion engines are summarized. Traditionally, the improvement in fuel efficiency and environmental friendliness of such engines is achieved by high-tech modernization of fuel systems. But it can also be achieved by modification of fuels that changes their properties and increases the calorific value. By means of methods of mechanochemistry, using the equipment with low power consumption and a simple process, the mixtures and separate oil fractions are destroyed with the formation of low molecular homologs, as well as hydrogen and carbon. The degradation of saturated hydrocarbons is the breaking of chains, and unsaturated ones are destroyed through the formation of saturated products. The hydrogenation by degradation products of the starting material is possible. The mechanochemistry of fuels is investigated on the example of a combined static mixer-activator. The activator in the form of cylinder of 150 mm length and 30-50 mm diameter is used for modifying motor fuels; it has three serial camera, embeds in any of the fuel systems of internal combustion engine, does not require the drive, is free of chemical substances, does not affect the performance of gasoline, diesel fuel, aviation kerosene, fuel oil, does not reduce the engine lifetime. The tests were performed on a test bench with YaMZ-236 diesel engine using three different diesel fuels, at first with installation of activator in the fuel supply line of fuel high pressure pump, and then in its main drain line. When idling of diesel engine with engine speed of 900-1300 rpm, the reduction of activated fuel consumption on average by 26.3% is revealed in eleven tests. The methods for improving the calorific value of fuels by different impacts are reviewed.

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